Permission Denied (Publickey)

Are you getting the Permission Denied (Publickey) error? I imagine you’re starting to setup a Digital Ocean droplet or Ubuntu on another cloud provider and need to ssh into your server? After trying are you getting the permission denied (Publickey) error? I was setting up Jenkins and wanted to quickly access the droplet from my … Read more

“RNGADBannerView” was not found in the UIManager.

React Native or React post.

Happen to be getting the Invariant Violation: requireNativeComponent: “RNGADBannerView” was not found in the UIManager error? Did you use the really useful react-native-admob lib at some point, remove it, but are still getting this weird error? Maybe you’re using another lib, removed it, and are getting a similar error? I spent nearly three full days … Read more

Vertically and Horizontally Center Text in React Native

React Native or React post.

I recently spent quite some time trying to vertically and horizontally center text in React Native. I tried all sorts of combinations of align, alignContent, alignSelf, etc but couldn’t get my text horizontally and vertically centered. I mean this is probably because I’m React Native newb but stilllll. I’m actually quite surprised how bare the … Read more


Hey everybody! I thought I’d do a quick intro on an app I started working on. Drum roll please… Moomosa! It’s a React-Native application that uses Firebase as a database at the moment (more on this later). That database is managed with a React application I developed to add, delete, and approve new content. I … Read more

Creating a Blank File From your Terminal


My Computer Setup How To Create a Blank File From your Terminal Ever need a blank file to mock up a file system while on Linux? USE TOUCH! It’s pretty useful when you’re navigating through folders and want to spin up a doc really quick. If you then just list what’s in your current directory, … Read more

Javascript’s Filter on an Array of Objects

Post about Javascript

Are you trying to use Javascript’s filter on an array of objects that contain arrays? Are you having trouble getting it to return elements to conditionally rebuild that array? I had the same issue and blamed the filter method for a quick sec. Buuuut lo and behold it was me as always. Still new to … Read more

IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`…`), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices


Soooo you got the IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`…`), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices error. Let’s get that annoying message fixed. My Computer Setup For those Short On Time You’re trying to access an element of a Pandas index like df.columns where df is a DataFrame by using … Read more

Create a Class in Python3


So how do you create a class in Python3? What is class? Why do we need a class? All great questions. My Computer Setup Python3 (Finally getting used to adding parentheses around my print statements ) macOS What is an object? So let’s go over what a class is. Classes are the preliminary step to … Read more