Update DAGs on EC2

This past weekend I decided to spin up a quick Airflow deployment for some personal scripts I wanted executed on a schedule. I didn’t have scale in mind and I didn’t have robustness in mind. I had speed. I’ll review how I’m deploying my version-controlled DAG code to my EC2. I want to highlight, this … Read more

Cast an array of items using lambdas in Python.


Let’s cast an array of items using lambdas in Python. It’ll look cleaner than its forloop counterpart. They’re a great way to clean up super verbose code and helpful when doing array manipulation. Before we begin, if you don’t know what a Python lambda is please check out this article we recently wrote. My most … Read more

Run Apache Airflow Locally in Docker

We’ll walk you through how to run Apache Airflow locally in Docker. The first chunk of this post will cover how to get Airflow standing, the second will go into some nuance and will answer several whys. My Setup Getting Airflow Standing Docker Airflow Looking for more detailed info? Check out Airflow’s official docs. Happy … Read more

Execute Bash Commands and Return Results in Python

I’ve had numerous cases where I’ve needed to execute bash commands and return the results in Python for some additional manipulation. My most recent example involved me working with BigQuery schemas. Getting schemas from the CLI was easy peasy but I’m not the best at BASH programming so I naturally turned to something more familiar … Read more

Upload a Pandas DataFrame to DynamoDB using Python

So you’re trying to upload a Pandas DataFrame to DynamoDB using Python? Let’s take a step back first. Why are we using DynamoDB? What is DynamoDB? What is DyanmoDB DyanmoDB is a non-relational fully managed database product offered by Amazon’s cloud computing arm AWS. So why would you go the DynamoDB route vs MySQL, Postgres, … Read more

OpenPyXL – Writing To an Excel Workbook Using Python

Prep First let’s make sure you have the OpenPyXL library installed. If you’re already in Python and don’t want to needlessly exit the interpreter, then type the following: This command should list out all the methods of OpenPyXL if it is in fact installed on your machine. Else, we’ll have to turn to pip. Assuming … Read more

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