Terminal Commands For Beginners


Let’s go over some terminal commands for Beginners. This assumes you have basic computer knowledge and might have some sort of interest in software development. Terminal commands, especially those for linux systems, will get you pretty far. My Setup MacOS Opening Your Terminal On a mac hit command+space. This will open a search window. My … Read more

Execute Bash Commands and Return Results in Python

I’ve had numerous cases where I’ve needed to execute bash commands and return the results in Python for some additional manipulation. My most recent example involved me working with BigQuery schemas. Getting schemas from the CLI was easy peasy but I’m not the best at BASH programming so I naturally turned to something more familiar … Read more

Unable to connect to the server: getting credentials: exec: executable aws-iam-authenticator not found

Setting up Kubernetes on AWS and got the unable to connect to the server: getting credentials: exec: executable aws-iam-authenticator not found error? Execute the following to solve your problem! Not going to bore you with fluff this time around. I am assuming that you have homebrew installed which might be a leap. Also I’m on … Read more

What git branch am I in?

What git branch am I in? It’s an age old question I’ll ask myself maybe once an hour. I’ll make a big change, decide that I need to save the repo before I break something, I make a commit (often times with commitizen), and then git push origin … . But where was I pushing … Read more

Permission Denied (Publickey)

Are you getting the Permission Denied (Publickey) error? I imagine you’re starting to setup a Digital Ocean droplet or Ubuntu on another cloud provider and need to ssh into your server? After trying are you getting the permission denied (Publickey) error? I was setting up Jenkins and wanted to quickly access the droplet from my … Read more

Creating a Blank File From your Terminal

My Computer Setup How To Create a Blank File From your Terminal Ever need a blank file to mock up a file system while on Linux? USE TOUCH! It’s pretty useful when you’re navigating through folders and want to spin up a doc really quick. If you then just list what’s in your current directory, … Read more

Search For Strings Across Files in Linux

Need to search for strings across files in Linux or on a Linux server? Use GREP! This will help you find that pesky module that needs updating or that misspelled table name. My Computer Setup macOS The Solution This command will recursively search files and folders for whatever you’re interested in. Still learning about how … Read more

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