Terminal Commands For Beginners


Let’s go over some terminal commands for Beginners. This assumes you have basic computer knowledge and might have some sort of interest in software development. Terminal commands, especially those for linux systems, will get you pretty far. My Setup MacOS Opening Your Terminal On a mac hit command+space. This will open a search window. My … Read moreTerminal Commands For Beginners

Listing the Largest N Files or Folders Recursively


Listing the largest N files or folders recursively is handy. Let’s frame a usecase. So, you’re Ubuntu server is tanking. You’re running Jenkins or something else and your job logs have just started piling up. You’re UI doesn’t work anymore and the only thing you can do is SSH into your instance. What do you … Read moreListing the Largest N Files or Folders Recursively

Change Directory on a Mac, Linux, or Windows Machine


We’ll be showing you how to change directory on a Mac, Windows, or Linux machine. Need to do something to a file on the terminal? Need to delete an entire folder and its children on the command line like I show here? Well first you might want to get to the same directory where it’s … Read moreChange Directory on a Mac, Linux, or Windows Machine