For Loop With an Else Clause in Python


Have you ever used a for loop with an else clause in Python? WTH, right? I found out these exist earlier this week when going through some source code. Since it was such a shock I immediately tried to find a use case. Here’s some more detailed documentation. Make sure to search for “4.4” which … Read more

Length of Values Does Not Match Length of Index


I’m guessing you are dynamically creating Pandas DataFrame columns and came across the, “Length of values does not match length of index” error. The issue lies in that the previous columns you’ve added are not the same length as the most recent one you’ve attempted to add. Let’s recreate the problem. Here’s an article for … Read more

OpenPyXL – Writing To an Excel Workbook Using Python


Prep First let’s make sure you have the OpenPyXL library installed. If you’re already in Python and don’t want to needlessly exit the interpreter, then type the following: This command should list out all the methods of OpenPyXL if it is in fact installed on your machine. Else, we’ll have to turn to pip. Assuming … Read more

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