Lock Your Button In Place: A React Native Guide

React Native or React post.

Why You Need a Persistent Bottom Button Ever get annoyed when a crucial button scrolls away just when you need it? Same. Let’s learn how to lock your button in place. Whether it’s a “Next,” “Submit,” or “Continue” button, keeping it locked at the bottom makes for a way smoother user experience. This guide will … Read more

“RNGADBannerView” was not found in the UIManager.

React Native or React post.

Happen to be getting the Invariant Violation: requireNativeComponent: “RNGADBannerView” was not found in the UIManager error? Did you use the really useful react-native-admob lib at some point, remove it, but are still getting this weird error? Maybe you’re using another lib, removed it, and are getting a similar error? I spent nearly three full days … Read more

Vertically and Horizontally Center Text in React Native

React Native or React post.

I recently spent quite some time trying to vertically and horizontally center text in React Native. I tried all sorts of combinations of align, alignContent, alignSelf, etc but couldn’t get my text horizontally and vertically centered. I mean this is probably because I’m React Native newb but stilllll. I’m actually quite surprised how bare the … Read more


Hey everybody! I thought I’d do a quick intro on an app I started working on. Drum roll please… Moomosa! It’s a React-Native application that uses Firebase as a database at the moment (more on this later). That database is managed with a React application I developed to add, delete, and approve new content. I … Read more