Partition Existence In BigQuery – Cheapest & Fastest Method

We’ll show you the cheapest & fastest way to find partition existence in BigQuery. Use BigQuery’s INFORMATION_SCHEMA to find the most recent partition ID.

So instead of this:

select max(yourPartitionField) from `yourProject.yourDataset.yourTable`

Do this:

select max(partition_id) from `yourProject.yourDataset.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS` where table_name = "yourTable"

Need to translate the partition_id back into a date? Do this:

select PARSE_DATE("%Y%m%d", max(partition_id)) from `yourProject.yourDataset.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS` where table_name = "yourTable"

Depending on your table size, this will save you both a ton of money and time. If your table is tiny, it might be identical-ish since BigQuery is so fastttt. But hope this helps your pipelines! Happy coding everybody! Check out this article for more BigQuery fun!

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